Sunday, February 22, 2009

Muted sound-Windows Xp Tips and Tricks-Windows Xp Tips and Tricks

Muted sound

If you find that your DVD or CD won't play music any longer or if you are not getting any sound from your system at all. Try the following troubleshooting steps for help:

Make sure the Mute feature is not turned on by trying one or more of the following steps:

Try Pressing the Mute button on the keyboard. By pressing this button, it will toggle the ON/OFF and will give you onscreen notification. Press this button until you receive a Mute OFF notification.

Double click the volume control icon on the taskbar. When the Master Volume window appears, make sure that the "Mute" check boxes do not have a check marks.

Check to make sure that other devices not listed in the Master Volume window are not muted. Here's how:

With the Master Volume window showing, go to Options>> Properties.

Place a check in the volume controls that you would like to view.

Click OK. 

The Master Volume window will now show the additional selected devices. Uncheck any Mute check boxes for these devices.